Monday, April 20, 2009

Best Ride Yet!

Saturday was another lesson with the Master. And what a gorgeous spring day! It hit 70 degrees! Rugby did remember all we started with and we worked again on getting him to understand to move off the pressure of the bit and carry himself. Just through the walk and a little at the trot he was asked to carry himself and stay balanced without leaning into my hands for support. And he was getting it! Those moments when he would get light and carry his big self were heaven!

Just as we were nearing the end of our half hour, Rugby noticed a little chestnut horse being jogged for soundness outside the vet clinic. And he lost it. He must have thought it was his stable buddy, Sparky. He started whinnying, and trying to turn his head to look at what the other horse was doing. Then he started balking and wanting to go to that side of the fence instead of stay on our circle. The Master chuckled and said, "Awww, we were almost in second grade and now we went back to kindergarten." I chuckled, too and rode it out until he gave up and went back to walking our circle. The Master sent us back to the trot for another minute or two then back to the walk and quit. But we finished the lesson with his full attention and on a positive note.

Yesterday, I went to ride about the time when all the other lessons get started. I wanted to ride in the polo arena and like to do it when the ring gets busy since my horse is happier in company. We rode in the midst of 2 lessons and some boarders exercising their horses. We had our best ride yet! Rugby was attentive, trying very much to be soft in the bridle and was quite balanced through the turns. He didn't try his balking and bulging as we passed the gate and kept a steady trot on the large circle.

Today the weather is supposed to become rainy and lousy. It's a much chillier morning. Looks like he'll get his turn out time this morning and be snug in his stall when that cold rain starts a little later today. He deserves the day off for being such a good boy.


Anonymous said...

He sounds like he really tries for you, and is making good progress already!

Mrs. Mom said...

LOL That comment from The Master had me in stitches. It is absolutely, utterly perfect for describing a young horse's mind!

Glad Rugby is doing so well. He sounds like a darn fine fellow!!

Amber said...

Sounds like it went well! Lucky you, we have yet to hit our 70 degree spring day, but according to the weathermen, we should hit it this week!

Jean said...

What a good boy and what a baby at the same time. Kindergarten is right! *lol* I love the master's sense of humor. Who is he, by the way? He sounds like a good trainer.

It's so nice when a horse starts to give to the bridle and use himself correctly. Suddenly even a very ordinary horse can become quite beautiful. Someone like Rugby must be gorgeous!

I am so happy for you to have found him.

wilsonc said...

Glad to hear things are progressing so well for you and Rugby!

Katie said...

lol! that sounds like a funny trainer you have there! Glad to hear that Rugby is coming along... do you know how he got his name?

allhorsestuff said...

Very nice! I have been loving the temps and the attitude it makes my mare have..much calmer.Too warm for sillyness.
Rugby sounds great...what fun.