Saturday, February 28, 2009

Yes, I'll Take Your Horse

My husband and I drove out to see my friend, Ms. E. She moved into this house almost 2 years ago and this is the first time I've seen it. (I am a lousy friend, "blush")

Ms. E demanded I come out and try her horse, Diego. She bought this lovely horse shortly after she got her new home and the way it's worked out she never had enough time to properly work with him. So, he's been just kind of hanging out with her other horses and cow, doing nothing but being a horse.

Her new home is lovely, she's so happy to have her own barn and animals. Farmer girl, LOL! She took me to meet Diego and she was right, even in the worst of winter he is a nice looking horse. He's a papered Thoroughbred, bay and big - like, just my size, 17 hands big!

I tacked him up, she lunged him for 20 minutes and I mounted up. Though the ground was sloppy and not good for more than a slow trot, I like him. I especially liked when I put my leg on him, he didn't react. It took a good squeeze to push him on. I love a horse that's a little slow to the leg. She told me to take him! Take him home, put him in my empty stall and give him a trial! We'll work out the details if I decide to keep him. Wow, just like that.

With permission from the barn owner, I may have a horse in my stall tomorrow morning.

Now, there still are other horses I'm committed to look at, the one in NJ and 3 at the farm in upstate NY. But how cool if Diego is the one?


English Rider said...

Someone's going to be too excited to sleep tonight!

Once Upon an Equine said...

Very exciting! I love Thoroughbreds.

Ellie said...

Good luck with him! I think trials are the best way possible to get to know a horse, it gives you a chance to see a range of good and bad days.

Ellie and Werther Blog

Carol said...

First off, let me say how sorry I am to hear about the loss of your horse, Monty. The hard thing about having animals in our lives is having to deal with the fact that their lives are often so much shorter than our own.

I've been following your horse shopping posts. It sounds like this boy may be perfect. Seventeen hands! WOW!!! He's a BIG BOY!!

With all the frustrations you have had to deal with, I hope this one works out well for you. Maybe this is the one that was meant to be!!! The excitement in your post is so strong, I think I can reach out and touch it!!

I am keeping my fingers crossed for you and Diego!

allhorsestuff said...

Oh my my...that is some frerind that maybe can deliver a horse made for you!
I am very pleased for you!

Anonymous said...

I'm a fan of big horses too -my mare is 16.2. He sounds like a nice boy since you could just get on his after a lay-off like that. Hope it works out for you!

WarPony said...

That would be VERY cool if he was the one!!!!