Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Your Horse Can Heat Your Home?

Now here's an interesting article. In my latest email from the Equine Compare Newsletter, there was an article about using horse manure to heat your home. I thought, hmm, interesting idea since many horse owners lament what to do with the poo. Seems it is not smelly upon burning, provides good compost from the ashes after it burns and is environmentally sound. I'm all for things to 'keep it green' so to speak and the only negative I could see was it does seem to be a time consuming process. Of course there IS that 'down and dirty' aspect of it where you have to mold the poo into bricks to be used for burning, but that's what shovels and gloves are for.

Here's a link to build your own poo mold with more information from someone who experimented with this fuel source.
And another link to buy a poo mold for the time constricted and those who couldn't build anything but character.

Anybody ever actually do this? I'd be willing to try it, how about you?


OnTheBit said...

eww...I think I will pass on that. I don't care how bad the economy gets...I am not using my horses poo to heat my home.

SolitaireMare said...

LOL, I know how Genny can heat your home. He'd just move in and snuggle up with you! Better than a blanket!

~M. said...

If I can delegate, I'll give it a go!
I'll get it in the barrow- Hubby or kids get to mold it!
Knowing my youngest daughters affinity for mud pie making, she just might have too much fun!

Horseypants said...

That was so funny. I really like your writing style and variety of posting ideas! I'm going to subscribe to your blog.

SolitaireMare said...

Melissa - atta girl! I'm with you on the kids getting into the "mud pie" part! My boys might have too much fun, too!
Horseypants - Hey! Welcome to my blog and thanks for the compliment! :D